This year`s itSMF Norway Conference would be the 13th International year conducted between 3-5th March at Thon Hotel near OSLO airport. The Theme of this year conference is “Working 9-5 with ITIL “
People who have attended the program earlier, mentioned several times that itsMF Norway conference is the best conference they have attended in recent years. I would like to do the acid test myself as I make my maiden trip to this part of the world.
I am excited to be at itSMF Norway Conference to witness some fascinating people in the ITSM industry. We are all thrilled to meet Kevin Keegan, Iconic football star deliver the Key note address. Kevin talks about “Leadership lessons from the world of football management”.
This time, Sofi Fahlberg, Dagfinn Krog and the itSMF Norway board have made atleast 60 % content in English, which is much welcome treat for ITSM experts across the globe.
They have also retained a good mix of Norwegian practitioners and experts who would entertain the audience with local flavor along with practical insights of delivering business value.
The entire list of Speakers are available at their website
Service Bazaar: The Service Bazaar is introduced first time at the itSMF Norway conference. Its origin dates back to last October 2014 when itSMF Denmark first experimented it and received huge success. Thanks to Christian from CFN to have supported itSMF Norway in giving consent to benefit the community.
It is a 1 Day event with 9 workshops, 4 sprints and 0 power points.
Out of 9 sessions, 6 of them are in English delivered by heavy-weights Colin Rudd ( Service Criticality) ,Mark Smalley (Guerilla IT), Greg Sanker (Multi Change Mgmt) , Reni Friis (Lean) Dave Van Herpen (Easy Agile) and David Cannon (Measuring Service Value)
Delegates will have to choose between attending either the full Workshop or the Service Bazaar on 3rd March 2015. The workshop includes both basic and advanced topics like, “How to work with SIAM and BRM by Andrea Kis and Martin Goble, TCS
While they’re a host of speakers and practitioners you would not want to miss, I am confined to selective group of English speaking sessions.
One of the most important keynote sessions would be that of Charlie as he talks about “Leadership in the age of Digital Disruption” – I had the opportunity to listen to his keynote earlier last May at itsMF NZ and this is a much more vibrant one planned for Norway.
Don`t miss to watch Agile ITSM in real life with Dave van Herpen. His interview with service desk 360 is available here
Katrine MacMahon talks about the most sought after IT and Business Alignment
I am keenly looking forward to attending practitioner Greg Sanker`s talk on Multi-Stage Change Management
There are other sessions like Kill Devops by Mark Smalley & Dave Van Herpen , Practical CSI from Stuart Rance and many more compelling ones that can`t be fully seized 🙂
I wouldn`t miss the panel discussion led by Dagfinn Krog on “ Modernizing service management” featuring Stuart Rance, Michael Imhoff , David Cannon
As you would know, the ITSM Global Podcast got kicked off at fusion14 and we had our second episode done last month. All the episodes can be listened on demand at AllthingsITSM. Stay tuned for our 3rd Global Podcast live from itSMF Norway along with my co-hosts Kirstie Magowan and Simone Jo Moore . Industry luminaries will enlighten us with the latest trends and insights as to what is happening across the ITSM space.
Service Desk 360 would be the official media partner and knowing Toby for a while, this is going to be exciting for all the people across the globe who do not get a chance to attend this conference live.
I am also glad that AllthingsITSM headed by William Goddard and ably supported by Kirstie, Melanie and Francisco have already created the marketing buzz in all social channels and would do the honors with due diligence during the entire course of event.
Finally, do not miss coming to our round Table event on 4th March between 15:50 to 17:30 hours as we host the Knowledge Café. We want to keep the surprise element intact and hence you will get to know more details as we cruise towards the final curtain raiser on March 3rd.
There are number of people I am going to meet first time F2F including Simone Moore, Michael Imhoff, Dave Van Herpen, Vladimir , Bartosz and of course all the other friends in ITSM space. I look forward to this trip eagerly to make new friends, learn from experts and contribute my 2 cents to the wonderful ITSM community. If you are going to be there, give us a shout ! Follow the tweets #itsmf15 #itsmfnorway and together lets make the itSMF Norway Conference a huge success!