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BRM Institute Knowledge Providers (KPs) – Helps Build a Culture 

 Studies have suggested that firms can benefit from bridging two or more otherwise disconnected Business Units/Functions and help them make more informed decisions and deliver value across the organization. A change in culture is the need of the hour. 

 A Relationship-Centered Organization helps build the needed culture. It turns the traditional system on its head. Instead of viewing the product as the core focus, it places purposeful relationships at the centre, knowing that the product will come in massive quantity and higher quality as the proportion of Rs goes up. Work relationships require four basic things to lay the foundation to become Rs: Context, Relationship Abilities (DNA), the right Mindset, and the willingness to share useful Knowledge.

 As a knowledge Provider, we work with BRM institute in building Relationship-Centered organization, advance education credentials and build the BRM capability through a Shared Purpose 

 To Improve Ourselves, Our Organization, and our world by connecting relationships to results

 Knowledge Providers (KPs) are qualified organizations that have licensed BRM Institute intellectual property to offer training/coaching in business relationship management and issue continuing professional development (CPD) units to meet the requirements needed by BRM Institute CBRM certification holders.

 Why become a KP?

BRM Institute receives many requests from organizations seeking training and guidance relevant to the BRM profession and their BRM capability.


The knowledge provider has replaced the Replacing the current Registered Coach/Consultant Provider (RCP) Accreditation Process with 3-Tier Partner Levels with Specific Qualifications

 KP Benefits
  1.       Make a positive societal impact by helping BRMs be successful at what they do.
  2.       Seen as a thought leader in the global BRM community.
  3.       Listed in our directory.
  4.       Eligible to receive qualified requests for proposals.
  5.       Allowed to list qualified knowledge offerings on our Global BRM Events calendar.

 Many BRMs leverage this platform to provide visibility into strategy, ideas, and value management. Platforms can allow us to make Requests, Incidents, and Demands on behalf of our business partners, as well as perform other essential activities 

  1.       Track Business Unit and Enterprise Strategies and Goals
  2.       Link Strategies and Goals to Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  3.       Follow KPIs throughout the Value Framework and Delivery Lifecycle
  4.       Provide Visibility and Interactions with Business Units
  5.       Track and Report on Action Items
  6.       Monitor Risks, Issues, and Decisions

 Knowledge Provider can offer the following courses 

  1.       BRM Executive Brief
  2.       BRM Fundamentals
  3.       BRMP® Foundation
  4.       CBRM® Practitioner
  5.       Strategic Partnering Approach
  6.       Becoming a Value-Focused Organization

 Knowledge Provider – 3-Tier Partner Levels

KPN | Tier 1 | Master Knowledge Provider (MKP)

Delivers the full suite of BRM Institute knowledge offerings to corporations on behalf of BRM Institute.

  1.       RFPs and leads come into BRM Institute
  2.       Negotiated revenue share and payment arrangements per engagement
  3.       BRM Institute Experiences staff manages the logistics and materials for sessions
  4.       All-access licensing to the BRM Body of Knowledge
  5.       Authorized to deliver Train-the-Trainer sessions
  6.       Digital media and physical booth sponsorship package at the BRMConnect Conference
  7.       Discounts on sponsorship opportunities
 KPN | Tier 2 | Registered Coach/Consultant Provider (RCP)

Delivers the BRM Institute application-based advanced knowledge offerings and coaching/consulting to executive leadership on advancing the BRM capability within their organizations.

  1. RFPs and leads come into BRM Institute
  2. Negotiated revenue share and payment arrangements per engagement
  3. Direct marketing opportunities to single, global BRM community through various channels
  4. Digital Media sponsorship at the BRMConnect Conference
  5. Discounts on sponsorship opportunities
  6. (2) BRM Institute Knowledge Provider Memberships
 KPN | Tier 3 | Accredited Training Organization

Delivers certification courses to the single, global BRM community.

  1. 2-hour presentation to deliver to prospective clients as a sales tool (in development)
  2. RFPs and leads come into BRM Institute
  3. Direct marketing opportunities to single, global BRM community through various channels 
  4. Digital Media sponsorship at the annual World BRMConnect Conference
  5. Discounts on sponsorship opportunities
  6. (2) BRM Institute Knowledge Provider Memberships

 As a knowledge provider it validates our commitment in building the #singleglobalbrmcommunity and nurturing #businessrelationshipmanagement across the globe in the form of Consulting, Education and Thought Leadership.  We are grateful to all our Clients, Business Partners who continue to trust and invest in our capabilities

Note: The content references are from the Business Relationship Management Institute, Inc., Copyright, and all rights reserved. Material from this publication has been reproduced with the permission of the BRM Institute