TaUB Solutions Managing Director Suresh GP was bestowed with four BRM Excellence Awards at BRM Connect 2017 held in Washington DC from Oct 10-12
The Categories of Awards were as follows
1. Global Community Impact
2. Consultant of the Year
3. Mentor of the Year
4. Community of Interest
On winning the four excellence awards, Suresh GP reflected and had a few thoughts about the value of BRM ,Business Relationship Management Institute and Global BRM Community.
I am honoured and humbled to have received four awards at the 2017 BRMConnect Conference in Washington, D.C. I have had the privilege of associating with BRM Institute in the capacity of Regional Ambassador for Asia Pacific as well as the Asia Pacific Community of Interest since 2015. BRM Institute is the go-to resource for all aspirants, practitioners, consultants, and corporations who are keen to develop a BRM Capability. I have personally and professionally benefited immensely from the BRMConnect Forums, BRM Institute Online Campus, and BRMConnect Conferences, which have all enhanced my knowledge and helped me get connected with a great network of global BRMs. The most gratifying aspect for me is the ability to give back in the form of mentor, leader, and fellow BRM practitioner and see this community grow. Proud to be a part of the global BRM community!
Entire List of BRMExcellence award winners for #BRMConnect2017 can be found here
Strongly encourage everyone to visit brm.institute and get immensely benefitted.